Wednesday, October 6, 2010

la la la...blah. blah la.

So I'm going to write this and then I HAVE to do my homework! :) lol. As you can see this is my first post since school Funnily enough more stuff has happened to me since the first day of school than did all summer... Most of it for the better.

One thing I've learned (not that I haven't learned it before, but apparently its not sticking) is that even if something seems horrible now, often it turns out that it happened for the better. Actually, the worse it is, the better it often turns out...?! Who knew?

Well one thing that is just bad, uncomfortable, and doesn't pertain to this theory however, is my Grandma. She's really screwed up... While I was in California she tried to talk to me about what's going on w/mom and shiela!! UGH!! If anyone knows how to dig herself a mine, its her. It was barely two weeks since I'd explained to mom that I didn't want any part of it anymore. "I want to have my own personal relationship with my Grandma and I just want her to be my Grandma." I wanted to form my own opinion, give her a chance at least with me! Was I wrong? TOTALLY. So I gave her what was coming to her, she didn't get it, and that was the end of it. I don't ever want to speak to her again as far as I'm concerned now, and she just completely revolts me in every way. I wish so terribly that Beth didn't have to be subject to this mahem like I was. That she could just be a kid with a grandma, but I don't know now... Yeah, I want Mom and Sheila to be able to put aside their differences long enough for Beth to have time with Grandma, but that involves Liza's or Matt's having to babysit them both EVERY time they hang out because Grandma is a chronic alcoholic. Also, IF, IF! they can all cooperate, what's going to happen when Beths old enough to understand whats going on? What's happened? Then what? And this all depends on Grandma really shaping up her act and knocking off trying to talk to me AND beth about the awful situation w/her and mom and sheila. Ugh. I wish sometimes that Beth could just....have the wonderful grandma I thought I had when I grew up. jeez she screwed up...oh well done now, move on.

Next, Wayne... The greatest guy in the world still. We're not perfect, but we love eachother. I miss him as much as ever... He's my world. We're equal. We're right.

Finally I'm free of volleyball bitches!! YAY! Hopefully next year I can get back to it though...I desprately miss coaches...and the game...and my friends...:(.... stupid jerks... Girls will be girls, but still. Freshman officially suck. !!!

Joelene and Todd and Cece will leave soon...:'(... Sad... It also means I'll be running church sometimes, XD. It'll be crazy!!!???/ but I did my first service not too long ago and it was pretty great. :) 0.o I messed up a little, but it was...empowering. People said I should become a Priest...I don't think so... But I'm excited to lead church more and that. :) it was fun.

Well...................maybe I should get going?? okay then, byes! XD

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