Saturday, March 12, 2011


Its sort of sick that I only really post when something "bad" happens, but hey... Maybe I'll work on that.

I just realized something though. I used to condone something someone I knew did because of lonlieness. I used to accept it, because I knew what it felt like, but doesn't everyone? And that's exactly my point. Everyone feels lonely at some point, and that's NORMAL, but most people just deal with it. They know it won't last forever, they accept it, and generally move on. Yeah, sometimes it takes a while, and it takes some effort and courage to move past it healthily, but it happens and they don't need to do anything crazy to deal with it. No, some people don't have the courage, or the hope, but then its the people that do have it, its their job to let the people that don't know that its there: "You won't be lonely/sad forever. It WILL go away, you just have to be patient and have faith." And I still feel so awful for the people that have lost hope in getting beyond it, and I hope that I can help them - the ones I know anyway - to know that I love them, and care about them, and that they make me happy! :) and, yes, someday they're going to meet someone that makes them happy and that they can make happy in return, forever. But I'm not going to just fluff it off anymore, and let it be. I'm not going to condone any behavior that is unhealthy, or frightening, just to get beyond the lonlieness. No, not while there's something I can do about it. And I do hope, in fact I know, that some day when I will feel that seemingly unending lonlieness (if I haven't already and there may be more days like that for me) that there will be someone I love and care about there to tell me that "Its not over until YOU say its over." and I hope I'm listening.

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